We see it every day in our community - volunteers making a difference in the lives of their friends, neighbours or even people they don’t know! Sometimes it’s a big thing involving many hours of meetings, phone calls, and emails. Sometimes it’s just a little thing, like dropping off a meal or taking a few minutes to talk. Either way, “every moment matters” and that is the theme for Volunteer Week in Canada this year. This theme highlights the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make at a moment when we all need support more than ever. The sharing of time, skills, empathy, and creativity is vital to the inclusivity, strength, and well-being of our communities.

Volunteers work hard, and they deserve to be recognized for the work they do. Once again, the Slocan Valley Community Legacy Society (SVCLS) is thrilled to be honouring valley volunteers at a free celebration during National Volunteer Week in Canada, April 14 – 20, 2024. The event is happening at the Bosun Hall in New Denver on Sunday, April 14th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Join us for an afternoon of tasty treats, great door prizes, socializing with neighbours, and celebrating of the power of volunteers!
“This is our sixth annual “Get Your Just Desserts”, says Val Mayes, event coordinator and SVCLS board chair. “We wish we had room for all the volunteers in the valley, but there isn’t a hall with that much space!” she adds. With over 90 nonprofit groups, from firefighters to parent advisory committees, from arts councils and historical societies to trail-maintaining groups, from early childhood supporters to seniors housing (and much more), there are so many dedicated citizens giving their time and energy that the numbers are really impressive. So instead, each group is invited to select up to five deserving folks to send to the event. These could be the group’s most active volunteers, or perhaps someone who couldn’t make it last time. Valley residents are also encouraged to suggest an individual, someone who volunteers informally rather than as part of an organization.
The event is free to participants thanks to funding support from CBT and the RDCK (Area H). Registering early is strongly encouraged as space is limited. Send the name of the organization and the five names of the guests to svcls.event@gmail.com, or fill out the form on their website page Just Desserts!
The best part – the guests won’t have to do any work! More information can be found on the website at www.slocanvalleylegacy.com .