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Our 2025 Granting Cycle is OPEN.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday, March 18 at 8:00pm.

The Slocan Valley Legacy Fund is an affiliate community fund operating under Osprey’s wing. We are now accepting applications from charitable organizations providing services and programs within RDCK Area H and/or municipalities of New Denver, Silverton, or Slocan.

If you are considering applying please read our instructions below. Each year we improve the application form based on feedback so please be sure to use the latest version. If your organization is not a “qualified donee” as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency, please read Partnering Information. Remember that up to three months may be required to finalize a sponsorship arrangement with a qualified donee.

Below you will find all necessary documents and links:


Instructions 2025

Instructions Budget Template

Budget Form


The Slocan Valley Community Legacy Society welcomes applications for projects that will support Slocan Valley communities to be resilient and vital; that will protect, promote and enhance the natural environment; or that will promote creativity and innovation.


In awarding grants, preference will be given to projects that:

  1. Address an identifiable community need or problem that isn’t being addressed by other available solutions.

  2. Demonstrate collaboration with other partners, communities and organizations.

  3. Are well planned out with clearly defined tasks and project timelines.

  4. Have a budget that is reasonable and demonstrates in kind contributions or other funding sources.

  5. Will produce measurable outcomes and will serve the Slocan Valley on an ongoing and sustainable basis.


Projects for which an organization seeks grant funding are specific activities or purchases to be completed within a defined time frame. Projects are not the same as the ongoing activities carried out by the organization although the project should further the mandate/mission of the organization.


SVCLS holds a broad definition of resiliency and hopes to support projects that develop resiliency in a variety of ways –agricultural, artistic, environmental, climate change, and economic…ideas that spring from our rich and creative community.



The SVCLS is pleased to announce that we are providing a total of $18,000 to groups in the Slocan Valley for 2024. Many thanks to the Granting Committee for all their work, and to the groups providing so many great projects.

Congratulations to all our 2024 Grant Recipients!

Nelson & District Hospice Society

West Kootenay Boundary Caregiver Support

The Junction Church

Building Safety upgrades/refurbishing

B.C. Wildlife Federation

Crooked Horn Farm Wetland Restoration

Slocan Valley Threads Guild

Interior Floor Replacement

Chanterelles - Slocan Valley Youth Choir

Chanterelles (Slocan Valley Youth Choir) combined with Danzi (Slocan Lake Dance Collective)

Valhalla Fine Arts

Shakespeare by the Shore 2024

Fireweed Hub Society

Fireweed Hub Outdoor Furniture Purchase

Valley View Golf Club

9 hole Disc Golf Course

North Slocan Trails Society

Environmental impact assessment of proposed trails on Ranch Ridge above Rosebery

 The SVLF provides grants to charitable organizations that serve the Slocan Valley on an ongoing and sustainable basis.  Below are some examples of projects we have helped fund over the years.  Do you have a project in mind?  Scroll down to learn more.


Territorial Acknowledgement:  We acknowledge that the work we are doing takes place on the unceded traditional territory of the Indigenous peoples of this region.

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