Thank you for choosing to make monthly donations – they help our fund grow in a consistent and profitable way.
You have choices in how you set up your donations. For all monthly donations we ask that you choose an “odd” number (such as $25.25, or $32.57) and a date rather than the 1st of the month. This helps us immensely with the tracking of individual donors!
You can send us a void cheque, along with a note that includes your mailing address, email, the amount you wish to donate, and the day of the month you want it withdrawn. Mail to SVCLS, Box 363, Slocan, BC, V0G 2C0.
You can set up automatic e-transfers through your own bank. The transfers should be directed to if you wish to have your donation added to the endowment fund. Osprey manages the funds on our behalf. A quick email to is appreciated so we know you have joined the growing list of monthly donors.
You can use a credit card (go to the donate online button) but you will be required to have a PayPal account to make this happen. Please let us know you are joining our monthly donor team!